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Activities of the C&DAQ group
The Control and Data Acquisition group activities result from a collaborative effort between the various vertical engineering competencies on Instrumentation, applied to various fusion/physics areas.

Activities are mainly focused in:
- The specification and development of CODAC* systems and components;
Development of CODAC instrumentation hardware/firmware.
- The development of operation, monitoring, data flow and algorithm codes for CODAC, diagnostics and plasma control systems;
Real-time/parallel data acquisition and processing;
Timing, synchronization, event management and data transport networks;
- Collaboration on the development of international instrumentation standards;
- Establishment of International Strategic Partnerships with the Industry;
- Inform the Portuguese industry of fusion CODAC projects;
- Inbound and outbound education and training activities;
- Improving the laboratorial and work-shop infra-structures.
The main R&D outcome is measurement Instrumentation systems aiming at:
- Focused performance
- Reliability and availability
- Low-cost
- State-of-the-art componentes

Collaborations with Fusion Laboratories
| Joint European Torus - European Fusion Development Agreement | | |
| | Cadarache Barcelona | |
| Centre de Recherches en Physique des Plasmas | | |
| Institute of Plasma Physics | | |
| | | |
| Max-Planck- Institut für PlasmaPhysik | | |
| Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas | | |
| Instituto de Física da Universidade de São Paulo | | |
| Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais | | |
Recent Agreements
ITER: FPSC – Fast Plant System Controller prototype.
- F4E-FPA-375 – Plasma Position Reflectometry
- F4E-FPA-327 – Radial Neutron Camera (RNC) and Radial Gamma-Ray Spectrometer (RGRS)
- F4E-OPE-442 – Design and Performance Assessment of Integral and Proportional Data Acquisition Electronics for Real-time Acquisition
- Gamma Ray Spectrometer Upgrade (GSU), Lost Alpha Particles Monitor (LRM) and Gamma Ray Camera Upgrade (GCU)
- DNG-G - Data acquisitionfor the neutron camera diagnostics enhancements.
- GRS - Data acquisitionfor gamma spectroscopy.
- PCU-VS - ATCA hardware platform for the Plasma Control Upgrade project.
- RTMC - Real-Time Measurement & Control Diagnostics & Infrastructure
- TOFOR - Time-of-FlightNeutron Spectrometer Optimized for high count Rate.
- MPRu- magnetic proton recoil neutron spectrometer.
- Reflectometry measurements- X-mode reflectometry.
- Plasma control and CODAC hardware/software infrastructure
- Gas Injection, Baking, Vacuum and Puffing control system software
RFX: Digitizersfor Plasma Positioning
Manpower and Resources
- Currently, the group is composed of 6 Researchers, 4 Junior Researchers and 1 Technician.
- Most of R&D work happens in-house, only a fraction of the manpower is used for commissioning and R&D tasks on international experiments.
- In-house prototyping and testing.

Collaboration with the industry
- Discussions have been held with international companies
- Potential collaborations towards ITER
- Licensing IPFN control & data acquisition systems
- Co-development of control & data acquisition solutions
- IPFN is trying to improve the collaboration with national industry
- Continue collaborations with ITER and other fusion experiments.
- Enlarge the scope of activities to other physics experiments, local or international.
- Establish definite paths for:
- IP transfer to Industry
- Outsourcing from Industry
- Improve efficiency of Project activities:
- Continue R&D of a unified platform of Instrumentation able to cover a large scope of applications in Physics.
- Establish clear boundaries between Academic activities and Project activities.
- Continue the development of critical components:
- xTCA hardware, Real-time MARTe framework, EPICS machine control, High-speed codes and algorithms for FPGAs, High-performance networks for database access, real-time processing and synchronization.
*CODAC: COntrol, Data Acquisition and Communications.